Former Prime Minister, Edward Lowassa, has invited were members of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), including the president of the Women's Union (UWT), Sophia Simba join the parties constituting the Union Constitution of Men (It was restored).
Lowassa who is also a member of the Central Committee of the Party for Democracy and Development (Chadema), made the remarks yesterday in a statement.
He said those members were heroes defending rights, democracy and processes to protest violence in their CCM members.
"My soul imenisukuma keep pen and writing this from what happened to Dodoma in CCM sessions.
"It's about 20 months from now I dedicated themselves CCM, but I hear there are still kept kutajwatajwa in their forums.
"Wamewatimua members and their leaders, many of whom had spent their opposing demokasia upindishwaji the principles and rules of their party.
"I tell them that when they did so they become heroes of justice and democracy and the principles of good governance in the country," he said in a statement Lowassa
The envoy of the Central Committee members said the CCM charge what they believe without breaking the law, they cut the chains of humiliation and bullying.
"The seeds that were planted will grow and bear fruit genuine democracy in our country.
"Mwalimu Nyerere once said that a true CCM will occur, I believe the word is now fulfilled with great speed.
"I invite Chadema and was restored in total, while there is a very good life, no chains of slavery politics. The humiliation is the same as beating frog kick you muongezea speed only.
"... Come and join us on a journey to bring true democracy and politics maturity, this trip requires unity and solidarity to achieve our objectives," he said.
Lowassa said he was surprised by how stage CCM CCM kujinasibu be ikiyumba.
He said the country could be destabilized but believes happening and how CCM inavyoyumba what citizens became more mature in politics and strengthened in the quest for true change.
He said Tanzanians now can no longer tolerate the oppression of their basic human rights perpetrated by the rulers.
"Discipline fear no longer has a place in building a country that respects the principles of rights demokasia and good governance," he said.
Recently, CCM announced expel its 12 members, including the Chairman of the Union of Women (UWT), Sophia Simba, who last week announced kutogombea that position again.
Others outcasts are chairmen who are Jesca Msambatavangu regions (Iringa), Erasto Kwilasa (Shinyanga), Ramadhan Madabiba (Dar es Salaam) and Christopher Sanya (Mara).
Waliofukuzwa others are Willfred ole Mollel who is Executive Chairman of the Arusha Urban District, member of NEC of Babati Urban District, Ally Sumaye and Mathias Manga Arumeru District.
In the list are also chairmen of district party who is Omari Awadhi (Gairo), Ally Msuya (Babati Urban), Kolo Laizer (Longido) and Salum Denge (Kinondoni Dar es Salaam).
Other members who have taken steps after making the same mistake that it was Ambassador Dr. Emmanuel Nchimbi who has been given a stern warning and he should apologize.
When he gave the assurance given a warning, Adam Mmbisa who is chairman of CCM Dodoma Region and Member of Parliament for South East forgiven.
Due to this decision shall lose parliamentary Sophia. It was stated that he chased after found wrong values contrary to the Constitution and the principles of the party.